Empresa Municipal de Transportes de Madrid

The Empresa Municipal de Transportes de Madrid is the company charged with the planning of public urban transport in the city in Madrid, Spain. The organization is wholly owned by the City Council of Madrid and is a member of the Consorcio Regional de Transportes de Madrid. Among the services provided by EMT Madrid are urban bus transportation as well as the BiciMAD bicycle-sharing system.


EMT Madrid was established on 12 November 1947 after the dissolution of the Joint Transport Company. Originally a municipal private company, in 1971 it became a joint stock company. It provided trolleybus service until it disappeared in 1966 and tram services until 1972.

Multimodal public transport

City bus lines

The EMT manages a fleet of 2076 buses distributed in 213 lines that have an extension of 3500 kilometers. Currently, it provides the bus service in regular and temporary lines to replace other transports that have suffered an accident or have their service interrupted due to works.
As part of EMT's added value there is an open data system for the "Smart City", CCTV and free WiFi connection both in the most relevant stops and in the whole bus fleet.
To reduce the volume of polluting gases emitted by its vehicles through the use of alternative energies such as Compressed Natural Gas, biodiesel, electric traction, hydrogen, bioethanol; intensive renewal of the fleet with conventional diesel buses with strict environmental requirements.


In May 2016, with the municipalization of the bicycle rental service by the City Council, the EMT assumed the management of this service.