Empty tomb

An analysis of both Pauline and gospel material gives eight lines of evidence in support of the claim that Jesus's tomb was found empty: Paul's account suggests the historical authenticity of the empty tomb, the existence of the empty tomb text in the pre-Markan passion narrative supports its historical authenticity, the usage of 'on the first day of the week' rather than 'on the third day' indicates the primitiveness of the oral history, the account is theologically unembellished and non-apologetic, the finding of the tomb by women is very likely, the inspection of the empty tomb by the apostles is historically likely, it would have not been possible for the apostles to declare the resurrection in Jerusalem had the tomb not been empty, the Jewish polemic presumes the empty tomb. In a couple of the gospels, the women met with an angel who told them that Jesus had been raised from the dead.

Gospel accounts

Similarities and comparisons


The comparison below is based on the New International Version.
ArrivalMatthew 28:1–4

  • After the Sabbath, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to look at the tomb .
  • They went when it began to dawn on the first weekday.
  • Suddenly there was an earthquake when an angel descended from heaven.
  • The angel went to the tomb, rolled the stone away and sat on it.
  • The guards were terrified and fell down paralysed.
Mark 16:1–4
  • After the Sabbath, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought oil to embalm Jesus.
  • They went to the tomb just after sunrise on the first weekday.
  • To each other: "Who will roll the stone away for us?"
  • Then they saw that the stone had already been rolled away.
Luke 23:1–2
  • Mary Magdalene, Johanna, Mary the mother of James and a few other women went to the tomb with the oil they had made.
  • They went out at dawn on the first weekday.
  • Then they saw that the stone was rolled away.
John 20:1
  • Mary Magdalene came to the tomb .
  • She arrived when it was still dark on the first weekday.
  • Then she saw that the stone was rolled away.
InspectionMatthew 28:5–7
Angel: 'Jesus is not here because he has risen. Look, there he lay. Tell the disciples that he has risen and that you will see him in Galilee. "
Mark 16:5–7

  • They went into the tomb, saw a young man dressed in white on the right and were shocked.
  • Young man: 'Jesus was raised from the dead, he is not here. See, he was laid there. Go back and tell the disciples and Peter: "You will see him in Galilee."
Luke 23:3–7
  • They went in, but did not find Jesus' body and were upset.
  • Suddenly two men in shining garments stood with them.
  • The women became scared and put their hands before their eyes.
  • Men: "Why are you looking for the living among the dead?" He is not here, he was raised from the dead. Remember what he said, "The Son of Man was to be extradited to sinners, crucified, and to rise on the third day."
John 20:2–10
  • She went to Peter and the beloved disciple and said: "The Lord has been taken from the tomb."
  • The beloved disciple only looked into the tomb and saw the cloths.
  • Peter went inside, saw the cloths and also that the face cloth lay separate.
  • The beloved disciple also entered and believed.
  • They had not yet understood from the Scriptures that Jesus had to rise from the dead.
  • They went back home.
  • ReactionMatthew 28:8
  • The women hurriedly left the tomb to tell the disciples.
  • Mark 16:8
  • The women fled from the tomb because they were caught in fear. They were so shocked that they didn't say anything to anyone.
  • Luke 24:8–12
  • The women remembered his words, left the tomb and told the eleven apostles and everyone else what had happened.
  • But the apostles did not believe them.
  • Peter ran to the tomb, but only saw the linen cloths. He went back in surprise.
  • John 20:11–13
  • Mary Magdalene was still crying at the tomb.
  • She leaned toward the grave and saw two angels in white clothes sitting on either side of where Jesus had been.
  • Angels: "Why are you crying?"
  • Mary Magdalene: "They have taken my Lord away and I do not know where."
  • Background

    Entering the divine realm

    For many people of antiquity, empty tombs were seen as signs not of resurrection but of assumption, that is, the person being taken bodily into the divine realm. In Chariton's ancient Greek novel Callirhoe, the hero Chaereas finds his wife's tomb empty and immediately assumes the gods took her rather than believe she was resurrected or that her body was stolen by grave-robbers. In Ancient Greek thinking, the connection between postmortem disappearance and apotheosis was strong and there are numerous examples of individuals conspiring, before their deaths, to have their remains hidden in order to promote their postmortem venerations. Arrian wrote of Alexander the Great planning his own bodily disappearance so that he would be revered as a god. Disappearances of individuals to be taken in the divine realm also occur in Jewish literature, although they do not involve an empty tomb. Daniel Smith suggests the empty tomb stories and resurrection appearances in the gospels come from separate traditions, with the former about Jesus' absence or assumption, while the latter were about Jesus' presence. He concludes that the gospel writers took the two traditions and weaved them together.

    Testimony of women

    When they return from the cemetery on Passover morning to tell the eleven remaining apostles and those with them, they brought with them word of an empty tomb and the report that, "He is not here but has risen!" The apostles were dismissive. Some have suggested a lack of enthusiasm because the messengers were women in a world that did not grant credibility to a woman's witness. Josephus writes that Jewish tradition stated: "From women let not evidence be accepted because of the levity and temerity of their sex."

    Architecture of the tomb

    In John's gospel, the angels are described as sitting where Jesus' body had been, thought to be a reference to squatting or sitting cross legged, suggesting that the tomb possessed a raised shelf or ledge, on which the body had been placed.

    Scholarly opinions

    The historicity of the empty tomb is debated among scholars. Christian theologian and apologist William Lane Craig claims that a majority affirm the reliability of biblical statements about the empty tomb. As Jacob Kremer argues, “By far most scholars hold firmly to the reliability of the biblical statements about the empty tomb.” Others, such as Raymund Schwager, concur and claim that within New Testament scholarship, the usual position is to give a positive assessment to the women's discovery of the empty tomb on Easter morning. Gary Habermas claims that around 75% of critical scholars accept one or more arguments for the empty tomb, while around 25% reject it.
    Other scholars, such as Murray Harris, point out that declaring Jesus's resurrection in the same city he was buried was highly falsifiable, ecspecially given the notion that Jesus would have been buried by the very enemies of Christianity. He writes, “The earliest Christians could not have continued to proclaim the resurrection of Jesus in the city of Jerusalem or have continued to survive there as a community, unless the tomb had been empty".
    Géza Vermes notes that "he empty tomb and the apparitions are never directly associated to form a combined argument." While the coherence of the empty tomb-narrative is questionable, it is "clearly an early tradition." Vermes rejects the literal interpretation of the story, as being proof of the resurrection, and also notes that the story of the empty tomb conflicts with notions of a spiritual resurrection. According to Vermes, "he strictly Jewish bond of spirit and body is better served by the idea of the empty tomb and is no doubt responsible for the introduction of the notions of palpability and eating." However, while he does reject a literal bodily resurrection of Jesus, Vermes does accept that the tomb of Jesus was empty, stating, "When every argument has been considered and weighed, the only conclusion acceptable to the historian must be that...the women who set out to pay their last respects to Jesus found to their consternation, not a body, but an empty tomb." Vermes then presents six theories to explain the empty tomb, including: the body was removed by someone unconnected with Jesus; the body was stolen by the disciples; the empty tomb was not the tomb of Jesus; buried alive, Jesus later left the tomb; Jesus recovered from a coma and departed Judea; there was a spiritual, not bodily, resurrection. However, Geza Vermes does not believe that any of these hypotheses hold up under stringent scrutiny, and are thus unlikely to be historical.
    New Testament historian Bart D. Ehrman dismisses the story of the empty tomb; according to Ehrman, "an empty tomb had nothing to do with it an empty tomb would not produce faith." According to Ehrman, the empty tomb was needed to underscore the physical resurrection of Jesus, but is it doubtful that Jesus was buried by Joseph of Arimathea. It is unlikely that a member of the Sanhedrin would have buried Jesus; crucifixion was meant "to torture and humiliate a person as fully as possible," and the body was left on the stake to be eaten by animals; criminals were usually buried in common graves; and Pilate had no concern for Jewish sensitivities, which makes it unlikely that he would have allowed for Jesus to be buried. However, some have challenged Ehrman's belief that Jesus was not buried; scholar Craig Evans argues that the standard Jewish practice was to bury crucified victims, as mentioned by the Jewish historian Josephus. Jerusalem archeologist Jodi Magness also argues that Jesus would have been buried according to Jewish law and has criticized Ehrman's position, writing, "Today many scholars believe that since crucifixion was a sadistic and humiliating form of corporal punishment...Jesus "died a criminal's death on the tree of shame"... that Jesus would not have been buried at all, but would have been eaten by dogs. In my opinion, the notion that Jesus was unburied or buried in disgrace is based on a misunderstanding of the archeological evidence and of Jewish law...the Gospel accounts describing Jesus's removal from the cross and burial are consistent with archeological evidence and with Jewish law." However, Erhman states that Jews were allowed decent burials under certain circumstances, none of which applied to Jesus.
    Raymond Brown, a Catholic priest and biblical scholar, has written "That Jesus was buried is historically certain." According to Brown, the body of Jesus was buried in a new tomb by Joseph of Arimathea in accordance with Mosaic Law, which stated that a person hanged on a tree must not be allowed to remain there at night, but should be buried before sundown.
