Encyclopedia Cthulhiana

Encyclopedia Cthulhiana is a supplement published by Chaosium in 1994 for the horror role-playing game Call of Cthulhu.


Encyclopedia Cthulhiana is a 400-page book by Daniel Harms that contains an alphabetized listing of entities, cults and lore from H.P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos that were published during the twentieth century. Sources include works by Ramsey Campbell, Robert Bloch, and Stephen King, as well as scenarios from the Call of Cthulhu game. There are also suggestions about how this information could be included in a Call of Cthulhu adventure or campaign.
An expanded 423-page second edition was published in 1998.


In Dragon magazine #218, Rick Swan stated that this book possessed "a diligence on the part of the researchers that borders on the superhuman".


Encyclopedia Cthulhiana won a Special Achievement Award at the 1995 Origins Awards.
