End of the Wicked

End Of The Wicked is a Nigerian horror movie that tells story of how the forces darkness destroy good people and how they are being saved by the power of the Almighty God.

Plot summary

Set in an African clime, the unfolding battle between the forces of good and evil is told with a supernatural enactment. A Nigerian horror story, End of Wickedness captures and retells the fate of the wicked and the outcome of the just in a world of spiritual unequals. This Biblical tale of the fate of the just and unjust is told with such gripping and suspense-packed depictions and screenplay. Starring the likes of Veteran actor, Alex Usifo-Omiagbo this screen-battle depicts the fall of the wicked from the apogee of their ruthlessness, down to their nadir.


The movie was very controversial in Nigeria and abroad.