
EndeavourOS is the successor to Antergos, an Arch Linux based Linux distribution discontinued in 2019. It, like Antergos, features a graphical installer capable of installing Xfce, Budgie, Cinnamon, Deepin, GNOME, I3, KDE Plasma 5, LXQt, MATE.


announced the end of the project on May 21, 2019. Bryan Poerwoatmodjo, an Antergos moderator, opted the idea to maintain the community on a new forum. The idea got a lot of support within the community and within a day Johannes Kamprad, Fernando Omiechuk Frozi and Manuel joined Bryan.
Fernando Omiechuk Frozi had already created an Antergos derivative called Portergos with an offline installer offering a single desktop environment based on Xfce.
The original plan was to use the Antergos net-installer Cnchi that offered nine desktop environments and a base install to choose from, but due to technical difficulties the team decided to launch the distribution with just the offline installer based on Portergos and planned to come up with a net-installer later in development.
Within a week the team presented the plan to the community and began developing the distribution, the website and the forum.
When the team couldn't get the Antergos installer Cnchi working, they had to look for a replacement that offered the same GUI convenience and ended up using Calamares since it also supports a net-installer. The team came up with a plan to create a distribution that was easy to maintain by keeping the repository small and offer a close to Arch Linux experience with the convenience of a GUI installer. This plan excluded Pamac, a popular GUI wrapper for Pacman the package manager for Arch Linux, in the repo.

First release

On July 15, 2019, EndeavourOS released their first ISO. The team did not expect that much of the Antergos community would follow them, but the response and the numbers of community members that joined exceeded their expectations. Not only did the community receive the first release very well, but several bloggers and vloggers gave it rave reviews, even shortly after launch.


Immediately after the launch of the distribution, the EndeavourOS team began to develop a net-installer to install with different Desktop Environments directly over the internet.
The release of the net-installer was first expected to happen on the 15th of November 2019, but was eventually delayed until December 22nd. It gives users the ability to choose from a variety of desktop environments and driver packages during the installation process.
The ISO is including offline install with default Xfce4 Desktop themed with EndeavourOS branding and option to choose Net-install on startup of the installer Calamares.

Discovery magazine

On September 11, 2019 EndeavourOS announced that they will release an online magazine to give their users some background information on Arch commands and to inform them on new packages to explore. The magazine will be launched in November 2019.