Endre, Gotland

Endre is a populated area, a socken, on the Swedish island of Gotland. It comprises the same area as the administrative Endre District, established on 1January 2016.


Endre is situated in the central part of Gotland, just east of Visby. The medieval Endre Church is located in the socken., Endre Church belongs to Endre parish in Romaklosters pastorat.
The Ölbäck nature reserve is in Endre. The reserve was designated a Natura 2000 area in 2004. It is named after the now razed Ölbäck Inn, a tavern located about from Visby, where peasants and traders used to stop on their way from market. In the north part of the reserve is a stone cross, erected to commemorate the place where a priest, Mr Jörgen, is said to have been killed by an eagle as he was riding home to Endre in 1336.