Energy in Djibouti

had no proven reserves of oil or natural gas, or refining capacity, Djibouti has no known reserves of coal. The country's is supplied primarily by thermal plants and some imported hydro energy from Ethiopia. However, the supplemental supply of power from Ethiopia does not always satisfy Djibouti’s demand for power. Based on 2013 data, Djibouti’s national electrification rate reached 50%,.


The peak annual demand in 2014 was about 90 MW but is expected that it will grow to about 300 MW by around 2020. Electricity supply services are provided through the vertically integrated utility Electricité de Djibouti. A small amount of additional energy is generated by a solar plant. Djibouti has wind and geothermal generation potential and is actively studying these options.


All petroleum products are imported. In 2002, imports of refined petroleum products totaled, with consumption placed at. There were no natural gas imports for that year. The port in Djibouti's capital city is an important oil shipment and storage site.