Engineer Souza Dias Dam

The Engineer Souza Dias Dam, formerly known as the Jupiá Dam is an embankment dam on the Paraná River near Três Lagoas in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. It was constructed for hydroelectric power production, flood control and navigation. Studies on the dam and power plant began in 1951 which recommended the dam along with the Ilha Solteira Dam. The dam was inaugurated in 1968 and its generators were commissioned between 1969 and 1974.

Dam and reservoir

The Souza Dias Dam is a high and long combination concrete gravity and embankment dam. The concrete power plant, navigation lock and spillway section of the dam measures long while the earth-fill embankments flanking the concrete section measure long on the right and long on the left. The reservoir created by the dam has a capacity of which is active or "useful" storage. The reservoir has a catchment area of and surface area of. The dam's spillway contains 37 floodgates, each with a discharge capacity for a total discharge of. The average long-term flow at the dam is and the record maximum flow was which was reached on October 2, 1983.
The dam's navigation lock is long, wide and affords transportation on the Paraná and Tietê Rivers. It was inaugurated January 1998.

Power station

The dam's power station contains 14 x generators that are powered by Kaplan turbines for a total installed capacity of. In addition, the power station contains two service generators for powering the dam's facilities itself. Together, dam's generators are designed to discharge of water, bringing the total discharge capability of the dam to at a reservoir elevation of above sea level.