English Churchman

The English Churchman is a family Protestant newspaper that was founded in 1843. The first edition was published on 5 January 1843. The formal title of the newspaper is English Churchman and St James' Chronicle. St James Chronicle dates from 1761.
The paper has a reputation for being outspokenly and unashamedly Protestant, Evangelical, Reformed and anti-ecumenical, believing that the Thirty-Nine Articles of the Church of England are good and true and so it does not recognise non-evangelical Churches as being truly Christian because they have erred in doctrine and practice.
Ironically, and contrary to general ecclesiastical trends, the English Churchman began life as an Anglo-Catholic newspaper but it was soon taken into evangelical hands where it has remained ever since.
While the doctrinal basis of the English Churchman is the 39 Articles of Religion, the newspaper is not an organ of the Church of England. The current editor is a minister in the Church of England which also holds to the old Evangelical and Reformed Anglican position as won by the Protestant Reformation.
At the time of the death of Pope John Paul II the English Churchman was one of the first evangelical publications to state that it did not believe the Pope was a Christian, but rather, as historically Protestants have almost universally believed, that the papacy is Antichrist.
The newspaper was originally weekly but has since the 1970s been published fortnightly. Most readers are subscribers who receive the newspaper by post but it is also available from some Christian bookshops and from newsagents.