Entanglement monotone

In quantum information and quantum computation, an entanglement monotone is a function that quantifies the amount of entanglement present in a quantum state. Any entanglement monotone is a nonnegative function whose value does not increase under local operations and classical communication.


Let be the space of all states, i.e., Hermitian positive semi-definite operators with trace one, over the bipartite Hilbert space. An entanglement measure is a function such that:
  1. if is separable;
  2. Monotonically decreasing under LOCC, viz., for the Kraus operator corresponding to the LOCC, let and for a given state, then does not increase under the average over all outcomes, and does not increase if the outcomes are all discarded,.
Some authors also add the condition that over the maximally entangled state. If the nonnegative function only satisfies condition 2 of the above, then it is called an entanglement monotone.