Enterprise Unified Process

The Enterprise Unified Process is an extended variant of the Unified Process and was developed by Scott W. Ambler and Larry Constantine in 2000, eventually reworked in 2005 by Ambler, John Nalbone and . EUP was originally introduced to overcome some shortages of RUP, namely the lack of production and eventual retirement of a software system. So two phases and several new disciplines were added. EUP sees software development not as a standalone activity, but embedded in the lifecycle of the system, the IT lifecycle of the enterprise and the organization/business lifecycle of the enterprise itself. It deals with software development as seen from the customer's point of view.
In 2013 work began to evolve EUP to be based on Disciplined Agile Delivery instead of the Unified Process.


The Unified Process defines four project phases
To these EUP adds two additional phases
The Rational Unified Process defines nine project disciplines
To these EUP adds one additional project discipline
and seven enterprise disciplines
The EUP provide following best practices:-
  1. Develop iteratively
  2. Manage requirements
  3. Proven architecture
  4. Modeling
  5. Continuously verify quality.
  6. Manage change
  7. Collaborative development
  8. Look beyond development.
  9. Deliver working software on a regular basis
  10. Manage risk