Episcopal Conference of Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Bishops' Conference of Bosnia and Herzegovina is the permanent assembly of Catholic bishops in Bosnia and Herzegovina founded in 1994 by the Holy See.
The president of the Conference is elected among the bishops for a term of five years. Vinko Puljić, Archbishop of Vrhbosna, is the incumbent president of the Conference.
The Episcopal Conference of Bosnia and Herzegovina is a member of the Council of European Episcopal Conferences.

Current membership

The membership of the BKBIH consists of all active and retired Latin Church Catholic and Eastern Catholic bishops of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Vinko PuljićArchbishop of VrhbosnaPresident of the Council for Dialogue among Religions and Cultures; President of the Conference
Tomo VukšićCoadjutor Archbishop of Vrhbosna
Franjo KomaricaBishop of Banja Luka
Petar PalićBishop of Mostar-Duvno
Marko SemrenAuxiliary Bishop of Banja Luka
Ratko PerićBishop emeritus of Mostar-Duvno
Pero SudarAuxiliary Bishop emeritus of Vrhbosna
VacantEparch of KriževciAccording to the statute of the Conference, eparch of Križevci is not a permanent member of the Conference, but can be called on the Council of the Conference.-

Organizational structure

The Conference is composed of the Assembley, the Permanent Council and the General Secretariat, as demanded by 1983 Code of Canon Law.
It consists also of councils, committees, offices and organizations that carry out the work and decisions of the Assembley.
