Vohidov worked as an editor at Yosh Gvardiya, the Uzbek branch of Molodaya Gvardiya, from 1960 to 1963. He also worked as editor-in-chief at the same publishing house from 1975 to 1982. Vohidov also served as editor-in-chief and director of Gʻafur Gʻulom, another publishing house in Tashkent. From 1982 until 1985, he worked as the head of the monthly periodical Yoshlik. After Uzbekistan gained independence, he worked as chairman of the Committee on International Affairs and Inter-parliamentary Relations of the Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan and chairman of the Senate Committee on Science, Education, Culture and Sport. Vohidov started writing poetry during his student years. His first poem was published in the Mushtum magazine when he was fourteen years old. Vohidov's first collection of poems, Tong nafasi, was published in 1961. In 1987, he published a collection of literary essays entitled Shoiru, sheʼru shuur: Adabiy esselar.
Literary works
The following is a list of Vohidov's books of poetry:
Tong nafasi
Qoʻshiqlarim sizga
Yurak va aql
Mening yulduzim
Palatkada yozilgan doston
Yoshlik devoni
Quyosh maskani
Tirik sayyoralar
Ruhlar isyoni
Sharqiy qirgʻoq
Kelajakka maktub
Hozirgi yoshlar
*Birinchi jild: Muhabbatnoma
*Ikkinchi jild: Sadoqatnoma
Daraxtlar suhbati
Kuy avjida uzilmasin tor
Oʻrtada begona yoʻq
Yaxshidir achchiq haqiqat
Qumursqalar jangi
*Birinchi jild: Ishq savdosi
*Ikkinchi jild: Sheʼr dunyosi
*Uchinchi jild: Umrim daryosi
*Toʻrtinchi jild: Koʻngil nidosi
Orzuli dunyo
Soʻz latofati
Yangi sheʼrlar
Zamin sayyorasi
*Birinchi jild: Bahor tarovati
*Ikkinchi jild: Yoz harorari
*Uchinchi jild: Kuz saxovati
*Toʻrtinchi jild: Qish halovati
*Beshinchi jild: Qalb sadoqati
*Oltinchi jild: Erk saodati
Mening yulduzim
Tanlangan asarlar
تاریخینگ دیر مینگ عصرلر ایچره پنهان اوزبیگیم
ارواحلر قوزغلانی
Dilda ishq daryochadir
Many of Vohidov's poems were translated into Russian. The following is a list of his poetry books that were published in Russian:
Узелок на память
Восстание бессмертных
Линия жизни
В минуту песни не порвись, струна...
Vohidov wrote three plays, namely, Oltin devor, Istanbul fojiasi, and Ikkinchi tumor. His play Oltin devor was staged in Lahore, Pakistan. Many of his poems have been turned into songs by Uzbek artists. Two of the most famous Vohidov poems that have become the lyrics to well-known Uzbek songs are "Inson qasidasi" and "Oʻzbegim", both sung by Sherali Joʻrayev.
Literary translations
Vohidov translated the works of many famous foreign poets, such as Alexander Blok, Aleksandr Tvardovsky, Friedrich Schiller, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Lesya Ukrainka, Mikhail Svetlov, Muhammad Iqbal, Rasul Gamzatov, Sergey Yesenin, and Silva Kaputikyan into the Uzbek language. In particular, he translated Goethe's Faust into Uzbek in 1974. Especially noteworthy are his translations of Yesenin's works into Uzbek. Below is Vohidov's translation of Yesenin's farewell poem "Goodbye, my friend, goodbye" : Vohidov's own works in Uzbek have been translated into Russian, German, French, English, Urdu, Hindi, Arabic and many other Turkic languages. The Soviet poet Robert Rozhdestvensky thought very highly of Vohidov's work. An example of Vohidov's original work follows :