Erky Perky is an Australian-Canadian animated television program on YTV developed by CCI Entertainment and Ambience Entertainment, with the CGI animation done by AustralianVisual Effects company The LaB Sydney. The show was about two bickering, dimwitted insects, Erky and Perky, who lived at a hot dog stand before they are accidentally taken to a house. The show focuses on Erky and Perky trying to settle into the house, living with fellow housebugs, and the hunt for food in a very clean kitchen.
Two bugs, the Scottish-accented Erky, and his friend, the cowardly and impressionable Perky, live an idyllic life on a downtown hot dogstand, a cornucopia of crumbs, relish and wieners. They livethe high life until one day they are swept away in a take-out bag and end up in a sterile suburban kitchen with no food in sight. The two bickering, dimwitted and lazy bugs are forced to survive in the new and scary "Land of Kitchen". Every day, they are obsessed with finding food, and eventually finding their way home to "Hot Dog Stand". Their quests are almost always befouled by 'Mad' Margaret, the self-appointed ruler of Kitchen, and her 'sidekick' Cecil.
Erquhart "Erky" Windsor is a Scottish accented bug who normally takes Perky for granted and makes him try to get food in a dangerous scheme. He is blue with yellow spots. It was revealed in the episode "Perky vs. McBuggy Z" that he is a natural born rapper and dancer.
Percival "Perky" Rosendahl is Erky's friend and partner. He is very cowardly and very weak. It was made quite obvious that Perky has a crush on Margaret's niece, Sajuica. He is yellow with blue spots.
Cecil appears to be somewhat smitten with the tyrant Margaret, despite being a tenth her size, becoming extremely jealous of her having affairs with newcomer Pablomo, and Erky.
Mad Margret is the self-appointed ruler of the kitchen, and usually stops Erky and Perky's plans and when they find food, she generally steals it.
Sajuica is apparently the 'babe' of the kitchen, attracting flies, and being flirty. Even the childish Stinks thinks she is 'fine'. She fancies Perky.
Frenzel : While Stinks may be smart, it's another bug named Frenzel who takes the cake when it comes to devising food-getting plans. He always has profitable schemes on the go, preying on other bugs' naiveté or weaknesses to get himself ahead. Often, Perky is the one suffering, being a very gullible and trusting bug. An example of this is when Frenzel was showing young bugs the dangers of Kitchen, and for the final show he tricked Perky into being the German-accented spider, Delila's 'dinner', not telling the frightened bug that it was all an act, and that there wasn't really any danger.
Moldy van Oldy is a senile old bug, Moldy van Oldy, who loves to talk and talk for hours, sometimes about actual events, sometimes nothing more than senseless ramblings. One true story he did tell, however, was the tale of Margaret's acquired hydrophobia. When she was about Sajuica's age, and living in an outdoor garden, Margaret was sprayed with water from a hose, getting knocked out of the air.
Stinks: A running gag is that Stinks would appear whenever anyone said his 'name' ; often this happens when they are bemoaning some misfortune.
Delils is a German-accent spider who tells fortunes.
Boof is Frenzel's assistant; he is a digger bug and was born from an egg that Perky found.
The Grand Armandor is Margaret's personal wing and purse designer.