Erky Perky

Erky Perky is an Australian-Canadian animated television program on YTV developed by CCI Entertainment and Ambience Entertainment, with the CGI animation done by Australian Visual Effects company The LaB Sydney. The show was about two bickering, dimwitted insects, Erky and Perky, who lived at a hot dog stand before they are accidentally taken to a house. The show focuses on Erky and Perky trying to settle into the house, living with fellow housebugs, and the hunt for food in a very clean kitchen.


Two bugs, the Scottish-accented Erky, and his friend, the cowardly and impressionable Perky, live an idyllic life on a downtown hot dog stand, a cornucopia of crumbs, relish and wieners. They live the high life until one day they are swept away in a take-out bag and end up in a sterile suburban kitchen with no food in sight. The two bickering, dimwitted and lazy bugs are forced to survive in the new and scary "Land of Kitchen". Every day, they are obsessed with finding food, and eventually finding their way home to "Hot Dog Stand". Their quests are almost always befouled by 'Mad' Margaret, the self-appointed ruler of Kitchen, and her 'sidekick' Cecil.


Additional voices provided by Danny Wells, John Stocker, Linda Sorenson, Lawrence Bayne, Rick Miller, Robin Duke and Robert Tinkler.