Erotic furniture

Erotic furniture, also known as sex furniture, is any form of furniture that can act as an aid to sexual activity. While almost anything can be used for this purpose, the most common form of furniture employed for sexual activity is the bed, but couches and sofas come a close second. These are not strictly erotic furniture, as their primary use is not erotic.
Specifically designed furniture for erotic purposes can include
King Edward VII of the United Kingdom, who was heavily overweight, used a specially constructed "love seat" when he visited the famous brothel, Le Chabanais in Paris. The piece still exists and a replica is exhibited at the Musée de l'Erotisme in Pigalle.
Edward Gorey's The Curious Sofa,, a neo-Victorian pseudo-porno send-up consisting of non-illustrations—there's always a potted palm or something in the way. One caption reads "That evening in the library Scylla, one of the guests who had certain anatomical peculiarities, demonstrated the 'Lithuanian Typewriter', assisted by Ronald and Rupert, two remarkably well-set-up young men from the village." The Curious Sofa of the title is approached with some misgivings by the house-party guests at the end.