Etonbury Academy

Etonbury Academy is an extended secondary school with Academy Status that is located in Central Bedfordshire, catering for the 9 – 16 age range; each split across Year 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. The Ofsted rating currently is "" following an inspection in February 2020. The number of students on roll as of the most recent publication is 1069. In July 2017, SATs results significantly exceeded the national average in all subject areas.In June 2020, the Academy was recognised by GOVT IQ as a 100 top performing and improving school of 2020.

Senior Staff

From September 2019, the senior leadership team consists of the Principal - Ian Evason, Vice-Principal - Joanne Young, School Manager - Victoria Lockey, Assistant Prinipal: Ravi Baga and Michael Craddock, Assistant Principals
and SENDCos: Isobel Whent and Amy Mew and School Systems Leader: Ian Bodger.


The academy underwent investment, development and expansion and became a full extended secondary school covering the age range 9–16 years on the 1st of September 2016.
Major new building included classroom blocks, a new study centre, multimedia and drama studio, rooftop art rooms and art terraces, Design Technology workshops, Science Labs, new management offices and the Pendleton Sports Centre - a community sports and fitness centre, along with a 3G AstroTurf pitch.
The Phase 2 Expansion Build was completed and opened in September 2018. It included additional science labs, food technology rooms, classrooms and the Etonbury Juniors block for Year 5 and 6 students.

Notable Former Students