Eugénie Bastié

Eugénie Bastié is a French journalist and essayist.
A Le Figaro employee, she is at the same time chief editor of the integral ecology magazine Limite, of Catholic inspiration. In 2016, she published a critical essay on feminism, Adieu mademoiselle. A conservative, she is part of a generation of young Catholic intellectuals sometimes regarded as néo-réactionnaires by part of the media. The Nation in 2018 described her as "a rising star."

Childhood and education

Daughter of a landscaper and a specialist in nuclear medicine, Eugénie Bastié has four brothers and sisters; she grew up in Pibrac, in the Haute-Garonne in a solidly Catholic family.


She partook in 2013 in the La Manif pour tous. From 2013 to 2015 she collaborated with Causeur, an internet site and biweekly magazine directed by Élisabeth Lévy. Following a stint at Figarovox, the opinion and debate site of Le Figaro, she was hired by Le Figaro in 2015, recommended by Alexis Brézet.
In 2015, Bastié co-founded the French ecologist "Limite" magazine.
Bastié has compared Marine Le Pen "a little bit" to Hillary Clinton.
The Huffington Post has reported that Bastié's comments on #metoo have "created a controversy."
