
Eunoe is a feature of Dante's Divine Comedy created by Dante as the fifth river of the dead. In the Purgatorio, the second cantica of Dante's poem, penitents reaching the Garden of Eden at the top of Mount Purgatory are first washed in the waters of the river Lethe in order to forget the memories of their mortal sins. They then pass through Eunoe to have the memories of their good deeds in life strengthened.
Upon completing his or her sentence in Purgatory, a soul is washed in the rivers Lethe and Eunoe by Matilda. It is unclear who Matilda was in real life, but, nonetheless, her function is to cause the penitent to forget his or her sins and then sip from the waters of Eunoe so that the soul may enter heaven full of the strength of his or her life's good deeds.
In Purg. XXXIII, in the concluding lines of that canto and of the entire cantica, Dante makes particular reference to the dolce ber of Eunoe when he explains that he wished he possessed greater space to write of the water that "ne'er would satiate me."
The word "eunoe" is one of Dante's many neologisms presumably derived from Greek "eu-," meaning "good" and "noe," meaning "mind."