Eureka Forbes

Eureka Forbes Ltd is a consumer goods company based in Mumbai, India. It was founded in 1982 and is a part of the Shapoorji Pallonji Group.
Its provides water purification, devices, vacuum cleaners, air purification systems, and home security products.

Corporate Social Responsibilities

In 2000, the Eureka Forbes Institute of Environment was founded. It is a registered public charitable organization that creates and supports social initiatives.
Eureka Forbes in association with National Society for Equal Opportunities for the Handicapped NASEOH launched EuroAble, a call center manned by people with special needs. It is also involved with 'Nana Nani Parks', which provides recreational facilities for senior citizens, and has worked with Wolrd Vision to provide water filter units for free drinking water kiosks in public places. They also have initiated the 'Jagrut MumbaikarJagrut Mumbaikar' program, with the police and fire brigade, which provides self-help information for citizens.

Awards & Recognition