European PPP Expertise Centre

The "European PPP Expertise Centre" is part of the Advisory Services of the European Investment Bank. It is an initiative that also involves the European Commission, member states of the EU, candidate states and certain other states. EPEC helps strengthen the capacity of its public sector members to enter into public–private partnership transactions.

Key areas of activity

EPEC carries out three main types of activity:
Sharing good PPP practice through network activities:
Assisting PPP policy development:
Supporting upstream PPP project preparation:
Membership in EPEC is strictly limited to public authorities whose role includes policy responsibility and the promotion of PPP projects or programmes at national or regional level.
To date, EPEC has 41 Members, including the EIB and the European Commission. All other Members are national or regional authorities that are responsible for PPP policy or programmes in their jurisdictions. Membership is restricted to public authorities in European Union member states, Candidate Countries and certain other countries in Europe

Statements on PPP risks

In spite of its overall goal, EPEC also states that "an excessive focus on off government balance sheet recording can be at the expense of sound project preparation and value for money and may push public authorities to use PPPs where not appropriate". In addition, it admits that PPPs can create an "affordability illusion" which "tends to be exacerbated when a project is found to be off balance sheet. The fiscal liabilities that arise from PPPs can have a detrimental effect on the relevant country’s fiscal sustainability and so they should be managed properly".