Europipe I

Europipe I is a long natural gas pipeline from the North Sea to Continental Europe.


The feasibility study of the pipeline's project was conducted in 1990. On 20 April 1993, an agreement between Norway and Germany was concluded on the construction of Europipe. The pipeline was commissioned on 1 October 1995 and it cost 21.3 billion NOK.


The pipeline runs from the Draupner E riser platform in the North Sea to a receiving terminal at Dornum in Germany. At Draupner E, it is connected with Zeepipe and Statpipe/Norpipe system. From Dornum a long land line runs to the metering station in Emden.

Technical description

The diameter of pipeline is and the capacity is 18 billion cubic meters of natural gas per year.
The pipeline is owned by Gassled partners and operated by Gassco. The technical service provider is Statoil.