Euvaldo Lodi Institute of Rio de Janeiro is the equivalent of the Brazilian Euvaldo Lodi Institute, created by the National Confederation of Industry along with the Industry Social Service and the National Industrial Training Service in 1969. Except it only covers Rio de Janeiro state, instead of all the Brazilian territory. The main goal of IEL Rio is to unite academy and institutes of science and technology with industry. Amongst its objectives, there are development of entrepreneurshipprograms in order to promote the creation of new leaderships and the adoption, in the graduation curriculum, of disciplines about the entrepreneurial action. Besides, it encourages innovative programs and projects, as well as innovation and technology management, introducing technological and intellectual products from institutions in companies, which generates more industrial competitiveness.
Academy and companies
IEL Rio, entity that integrates the FIRJAN System, concentrates in the university-market relationship, specifically through two programs:
Junior Enterprises Support Program: guides the formation of companies in universities, in other words, those that are totally created and managed by students. Such help is important because those enterprises aim at professional practice when students render consultancy in the job market. They can also count on professors' help;
Business Incubator Support Program: organizations that host these Junior Enterprises are called Business incubators. What IEL Rio does is give support to universities for the creation and development of incubators, thus helping to consolidate incubators in the market.
The main universities in Rio de Janeiro are IEL Rio's partners.
Other ways of acting
With respect to technology and innovation, IEL Rio develops programs and projects such as the below:
Organizational diagnostics: investigation and evaluation of the business management, besides the executive education of businessmen, business executives and technicians through trainings, speeches, seminars and consultancies customized for the reality of each business. The regular courses in this area are:
* Management of life insurance and personal accidents insurance;
* Internship administrative monitoring;
* Internship legislation guidance;
Bitec Program: aimed at small businesses that look for college students focused in technological innovation and management upgrading so as to be more competitive;
IEL Rio's Entrepreneurship Seminar: annual meeting promoted by IEL and supported by Young Entrepreneurs Counsels from Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo's industries. The event is part of the Global Entrepreneurship Week, carried out in Brazil by Endeavor institute. Its objective is to strengthen the entrepreneur culture valuing creativity and innovation. Each edition usually puts together more than five hundred people;
"IEL Week in universities" is an event that travels through academic centers of Rio de Janeiro state in order to "share experiences that contribute to knowledge diffusion, generating new ideas and inspiring entrepreneurship, as well as creative and innovative solutions". Its main objectives include the creation of a channel for partnerships between academy and IEL Rio, the generation of ideas, the Institute promotion and promotion of entrepreneurship. Statistics:
IEL Forum of Strategic Management's main objective is to promote, through lectures, qualified information about strategic management. Lecturers from Brazil and other countries are invited to debate with Rio de Janeiro's businessmen.
"My Future Business", in partnership with Genesis Institute from Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, is aimed at PUC-Rio's students with higher education level and beyond. The course encourages the development and implementation of entrepreneurial ideas, which is why it comprehends meetings with businessmen and investors and classes that approach related themes, such as financing lines. The authors of the three best ideas receive as a prize six months of "pre-incubation" in Genesis Institute, while the best pitch gives to its author a short international course. The course is free of charge and vacancies, limited.
Generally, these courses last three months, with meetings once a week, which sum twelve classes. Entrepreneurs have taught lessons, representing companies such as Spoleto, Koni, Niely, Via Mia and Peixe Urbano. They talk about their experiences as entrepreneurs, while FIRJAN System representatives teach about competitiveness. Students of design, management, engineering, communication and architecture that desire to give the first step in elaborating new projects and companies usually take part in these courses. According to Alberto Besser, superintendent of IEL Rio, the intention is to "inspire students to generate ideas and to turn them into business." The course is part of the Entrepreneurs Formation Program from Entrepreneurship Teaching Coordination of PUC-Rio's Genesis Institute.
History of national IEL
Looking at the institute's history, it is possible to identify some phases. In its first seventeen years, from 1969 to 1986, the focus was limited to integrating industry and university. Afterwards, the efforts also concentrated in the analysis of the results achieved by the projects intended to unite productive sector and academy, not to mention the grouping of these projects in operational programs. The third period is influenced by the National Plan for the Interaction Industry-University for 1990, aiming to support technological projects for industry development through the following strategies: "technological, sindical, of regional vocation, to support the small and medium industries, of CNI System institutional integration, to protect the values of free enterprise and of permanent interchange amongst the parties involved in politics". And despite searching for higher production and better quality in industry, IEL also looked for "eradicating iliteray, expanding basic education and professionally qualifying expressive human quotas" and, thus, put Brazil in the international market.
With respect to its local operations, the Institute considers important to develop a particular vision of each Brazilian reality. That is why IEL's core keeps the Regional Commissions and the Sectoral Committees. In fact, in the first article of its own statute of creation it is foreseen that the Institute may use Regional Cells in the states and in the Federal District in order to execute its objectives. In Chapter V, specifically, it establishes that the Central Nucleus has the power to "delegate the execution of activities to the Regional Cells in the implementation of programs, projects, agreements and other actions". This way, each nucleus would be directed by the "local Industry Federation president, would count on a regional director and an Advisory Counsel comprising three representatives, from the Federation, SENAI and SESI". Due to this premise, IEL Rio and the other spread all over Brazil exist.
Euvaldo Lodi
The politician Euvaldo Lodi and the engineer Roberto Simonsen were honored by industry thanks to their work: while the first one gave its name to IEL, the second one became the name of "a stutides and research institute of the Industry Federation of São Paulo State, which comprehends in its structure the COPS – Superior Council of Political and Social Guidance".