Everbright Sun Hung Kai

Everbright Sun Hung Kai Company Limited, under the brand Everbright Sun Hung Kai, was previously named Sun Hung Kai Financial Limited. The brand name change took place on December 18, 2017. EBSHK is a full-fledged financial firm that provides cross-border and global financial services with its four core businesses of Wealth Management and Brokerage, Corporate Finance and Capital Markets, Asset Management, Investment and Structured Financing. EBSHK has presence in Hong Kong, Macau, Mainland China, and the U.K. EBSHK given Moody's “Baa3” long-term issuer and “Prime-3” short-term issuer credit ratings. As of June 30, 2018, EBSHK has over HK$143 billion* in assets under management, custody and/or advice, through its subsidiaries.
EBSHK is 70%-owned by the Shanghai and Hong Kong-listed Everbright Securities Company Limited, its other 30% stake is retained by Sun Hung Kai & Co. Limited. The foundation of EBSHK can be traced back to 1969 when Fung King Hey, Kwok Tak Seng, and Lee Shau Kee teamed up to start the Sun Hung Kai partnership using the Sun Hung Kai brand. In 1996, Allied Properties Limited controlled the company by acquiring the Fung family's equity interest. In June 2015, Everbright Securities Company Limited acquired 70% of Sun Hung Kai Financial from SHKCO. On December 18, 2017, the brand of Sun Hung Kai Financial was officially renamed as Everbright Sun Hung Kai. Accordingly, the two sub-brands renamed EBSHK Direct and EBSHK Private.
Everbright Sun Hung Kai, Sun Hung Kai & Co. Limited and Sun Hung Kai Properties, though all bearing the name “Sun Hung Kai”, which reflects a shared heritage, are three distinct corporate groups with different controlling shareholders structure and management.
