Everyday carry

Everyday carry or every-day carry is a collection of useful items that are consistently carried on person every day. The main reasons for having EDC are utility and preparedness; to help individuals overcome simple everyday problems, and to prepare someone for unexpected and possibly dangerous situations. Some of the most common EDC items are knives, flashlights, multitools, wallets, smartphones, watches, key rings, notebooks, firearms and pens.
While often distributed among pockets in everyday clothing, carry options are frequently expanded by the addition of clothing accessories like a fanny pack, purse, small day pack, bracelets, or even footwear like long boots or a vest with pockets. How EDC items are stored, though, depends on the purpose and intentions of EDC items. For example, if one is worried about being abducted and collects items to assist an escape, they may store items in more discreet locations. Everyday carry has become an internet subculture.