Evgeny Markov (writer)

Evgeny Lvovich Markov was a Russian writer, critic and ethnographer.
Originally a liberal author who contributed to Otechestvennye Zapiski, Delo and Vestnik Evropy among other magazines, Evgeny Markov gradually drifted towards the conservative camp, became part of the Slavophile movement and gained notoriety by being arguably the fiercest critic of Nikolai Nekrasov.
Markov's major novel, Black Earth Field, eulogized the simple, close-to-nature life of an idealized, well-cultured Russian landlord. Even more retrograde was his collection of autobiographical notes and sketches Barchuki, full of nostalgia for 'simple and quiet virtues' of the old Russia's serfdom.
What stood the test of time better was his legacy of traveller sketches, notably the popular Sketches of Crimea, as well as Sketches of Caucasus, Journey to the East, Russia in Central Asia and Journey Through Serbia and Montenegro.
His younger son Nikolai Markov, was a Russian politician and publicist, one the leaders of the Black Hundred movement.