Exclusive Men of the Year Africa Awards

Exclusive Men of the Year Africa Awards is a Ghanaian award ceremony that celebrates men’s achievements across local industry, community, culture and public service. Complimentary awards are also given to women for their contribution to society.
The annual presentation ceremony takes place on or around Father’s Day.
Past recipients of the EMY Africa Awards have been inspirational men with accomplished or budding careers who have made important contributions to life in our community – journalists, community leaders, social workers, humanitarians, health workers, businessmen – exemplary men in all sectors. Some of the winners include John Agyekum Kuffour, Sir Sam Jonah, Professor Joseph H.K. Nketia, Dr. Ernest Ofori Sarpong, Ernest Bediako Sampong, Azumah Nelson and Adebola Williams, to name a few

Nomination process

The categories include competitive and honorary categories.

Competitive categories

The Man of the Year is the flagship award at the EMY Africa Awards. It is given to one who is very impactful in society; a change exponent, responsible father and mentor, an innovator, a visible team player, a certifiable gentleman and pillar of community.

Man of the Year Award winners