Expedition of Bashir Ibn Sa’d al-Ansari (Fadak)

First Expedition of Bashir Ibn Sa’d al-Ansari to Fadak took place in Shaban, 7AH i.e. December 628 AD, 3rd Month 7AH, of the Islamic Calendar.
30 men with Bashir bin Sa‘d Al-Ansari as the commander, headed to Fadak to confront the Banu Murrah in Sha'aban. Bashir and his men killed a large number of the enemy and seized a lot of their camels and cattle, Bashir drove off the camels and flocks. On his way back, the enemy gathered up forces and overtook the Muslims at night. They showered Basheer and his men with arrows, and killed all the Muslims except Bashir. Bashir managed to escape back to Muhammad.