Expedition of Ghalib ibn Abdullah al-Laithi (Al-Kadid)

Expedition of Ghalib ibn Abdullah al-Laithi to Al-Kadid took place in May 629 AD, 8AH, 1st month, of the Islamic Calendar, Or according to other sources May 628 AD, 7AH, 3rd Month.


A platoon headed by Ghalib bin ‘Abdullah Al-Laithi in Safar or in Rabi‘ Al-Awwal 7 A.H, Muhammad sent Ghalib ibn Abdallah al-Laythi, with between 10-15 men to raid the Banu al-Mulawwih at al-Kadid.
According to the Abu Dawud Hadith collection, when the Muslims arrived at al-Kadid they met a man, al-Harith ibn Malik and took him as a prisoner. He informed Ghalib that he had come to embrace Islam. But he chained him up for safety reasons.
The tribe was attacked and taken by surprise. The Muslims managed to kill a large number of the enemy soldiers and captured a great deal of booty. A large army of polytheists then pursued the Muslims, but heavy floods hindered the pursuit, and the Muslims managed to escape in safety.
According to Ibn Sa'd and Tabari, based on an account through Ibn Ishaq, who was told by a man from the Aslam tribe, the password used by Muslims to recognize one another while fighting at night was:
Amit Amit

The Muslim Scholar Saifur Rahman al Mubarakpuri suggest that the reason for the attack was that the Banu Mulawwih were being provocative, whereas the Non Muslim historian Sir William Muir claims the reason for the attack is unknown.

Islamic primary sources

The event in also mentioned in the Sunni Hadith collection Abu Dawud as follows: