Extender (set theory)

In set theory, an extender is a system of ultrafilters which represents an elementary embedding witnessing large cardinal properties. A nonprincipal ultrafilter is the most basic case of an extender.
A -extender can be defined as an elementary embedding of some model M of ZFC having critical point κ ε M, and which maps κ to an ordinal at least equal to λ. It can also be defined as a collection of ultrafilters, one for each n-tuple drawn from λ.

Formal definition of an extender

Let κ and λ be cardinals with κ≤λ. Then, a set is called a -extender if the following properties are satisfied:
  1. each Ea is a κ-complete nonprincipal ultrafilter on and furthermore
  2. # at least one Ea is not κ+-complete,
  3. # for each, at least one Ea contains the set.
  4. The Ea are coherent.
  5. If f is such that, then for some.
  6. The limit ultrapower Ult is wellfounded is the direct limit of the ultrapowers Ult).
By coherence, one means that if a and b are finite subsets of λ such that b is a superset of a, then if X is an element of the ultrafilter Eb and one chooses the right way to project X down to a set of sequences of length |a|, then X is an element of Ea. More formally, for, where, and, where mn and for jm the ij are pairwise distinct and at most n, we define the projection.
Then Ea and Eb cohere if

Defining an extender from an elementary embedding

Given an elementary embedding j:V→M, which maps the set-theoretic universe V into a transitive inner model M, with critical point κ, and a cardinal λ, κ≤λ≤j, one defines as follows:
One can then show that E has all the properties stated above in the definition and therefore is a -extender.