Exu, Pernambuco

Exu is a city in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil. The population in 2009, according with IBGE was 31,086 and the area is 1474 km².
Exu is the birthplace of the famous Luiz Gonzaga which was a very prominent Brazilian folk singer, songwriter, musician and poet. He is considered to be responsible for the promotion of northeastern music throughout the rest of the country. He is also known as the "king of baião" and "Gonzagão".


The main economic activities in Exu are based in agribusiness, especially creation of cattle, pigs, goats; and plantations of corn, beans, manioc, coffee and tobacco.

Economic Indicators

Economy by Sector
Primary sectorSecondary sectorService sector

Health Indicators

HDI Hospitals Hospitals beds Children's Mortality every 1000