Faroese Socialists

Oyggjaframi was a group operating to the political left founded by Faroese students in Denmark in 1962. Later a local section was organized in Tórshavn, the capital of the Faroe Islands.
In 1969 Oyggjaframi changed name to Oyggjaframi – Føroyskir Sosialistar.
Initially the group was linked to Tjóðveldisflokkurin, but due to increasing communist influence in Oyggjaframi the party broke the relations with the group.
The Tórshavn section broke away to form Oyggjaframi. The remaining group was renamed Føroyskir Sosialistar.
FS fought for the creation of a Faroese socialist republic. FS actively struggled against NATO.
Oyggjaframi, FS published the monthly magazine Framin, which carried the subtitle Føroyskt tíðarrit fyri sosialismu og sjálvstýri between 1962 and 1984 and Roðin between 1971 and 1982.
At the World Federation of Democratic Youth General Assembly in Varna, Bulgaria in 1974 FS were accepted as members.