FEniCS Project

The FEniCS Project is a collection of free and open-source software components with the common goal to enable automated solution of differential equations. The components provide scientific computing tools for working with computational meshes,
finite-element variational formulations of ordinary and partial differential equations, and numerical linear algebra.

Design and components

The FEniCS Project is designed as an umbrella project for a collection of interoperable components. The core components are
DOLFIN, the computational high-performance C++ backend of FEniCS, functions as the main problem-solving environment and user interface. Its functionality integrates the other FEniCS components and handles communication with external libraries such as PETSc, Trilinos and Eigen for numerical linear algebra, ParMETIS and SCOTCH for mesh partitioning, and MPI and OpenMP for distributed computing.


The FEniCS Project was initiated in 2003 as a research collaboration between the University of Chicago and Chalmers University of Technology. The following institutions are currently, or have been, actively involved in the development of the project