FUNDESEM Business School

FUNDESEM Business School is an international business school located in the city of Alicante, Spain, owned by the FUNDESEM foundation, which comprises more than 200 companies and institutions. In 2010, it had over 6,000 students.


FUNDESEM offers several graduate master's degree programs, including:
They include aInternational MBA Double Degree Program i n collaboration with a number of European and non-European business schools, taught entirely in English taught entirely in English
There are also a number of non-graduate management training and in-company programs.
In 2010 the school was one of Spain's top 20 according to the Eduniversal World Ranking. Several of its programs ranked among the five best in the country in 2010, according to Spanish daily El Mundo. A number of grants financed by industry were created in mid-2011 at the school for business courses students.


The School has signed a number of student exchange programs with international educational institutions such as the University of Birmingham in the UK and the Georgia Institute of Technology College of Management in the USA.
It is a member of the 'Latin American Council of Business Schools' CLADEA and the 'European Foundation for Management Development' EFMD.


Early in 2011 it was reported that the School would launch its own publishing house under its commercial name. As of today two titles have been published in Spanish.

Recent years

In 2012, Luis Gámir replaced Mr Amirola as chairman of FUNDESEM and a new management team started to lead the business school.