Fabio Corsico

Fabio Corsico is an Italian manager. He was born in Turin on October 20, 1973 and graduated in Political Science.
In 2011, he has been defined by the journalist Marianna Rizzini in the newspaper, Il Foglio, as one of the influencers under 40 in Italy.

Career in public institutions

In 1997, he worked for the Italian Ministry of Defense, Beniamino Andreatta, at the Department of Diplomatic Counseling and the Military Center for Strategic Studies.
In 2001 he was Chief of Secretary of the Ministry of Economy and Finances Giulio Tremonti and member of the committee for the adoption of the Euro currency.

Management activities

From 1998 until 2001, he worked in Infostrada and later took the role director of Public Affairs. In the same years he represented the Italian Association for the Information Technology and the Italian Association for Industrial Policies.
In 2003 he was Chief of Public and Territorial Affairs, of the relations with Confindustria of Enel.
Since February 2005, he has been director of External Relations, Public Affairs and Development of the Caltagirone Group.
In 2008, he became a member of the board of Fondazione CRT.
On January 15, 2008 he became a member of the board of Cementir Holding.
On April 29, 2009, he became a member of the board of Avio. He resigned a year later on August 11, 2010.
Since 2009 he has been a senior advisor of Credit Suisse for the Italian market.
In 2010 and 2011 he was a member of the board of the foundation of the Teatro Regio of Turin.
In 2013 he became director of the investments committee of Fondazione CRT, managing the shares in Unicredit, Mediobanca and Assicurazioni Generali.
On December 6, 2013 he became a member of the board of Banca della Svizzera Italiana.
In May 2014 Cassa depositi e prestiti appoints him as member of the board of Terna S.p.A.


Corsico is the author of the following article:
He is the author of the following books:
The presentation to the public of the book Da Frankenstein a principe azzurro. Le fondazioni bancarie fra passato e futuro saw the participation of important players of the European and Italian economy, among those: