Fabrizio De André (album)

Fabrizio De André is an album released by Italian singer-songwriter Fabrizio De André, released in 1981. The songs were written by Fabrizio De André and Massimo Bubola. It is also known as L'Indiano due to the picture of a Native American on the cover. The picture is a painting by Frederic Remington named The Outlier. The title of the painting and its author are not credited on the cover – neither in the original pressing nor in any of the subsequent reprints of the album on CD or vinyl.

Track listing

Side A

  1. "Quello che non-ho" – 5:51
  2. "Canto del servo pastore" – 3:13
  3. "Fiume Sand Creek" – 5:37
  4. "Ave Maria" – 5:30

    Side B

  5. "Hotel Supramonte" – 4:32
  6. "Franziska" – 5:30
  7. "Se ti tagliassero a pezzetti" – 5:00
  8. "Verdi pascoli" – 5:18

    Overview and songs

The album is a comparison of two apparently distant but nonetheless similar peoples who have both gone through colonization, the Sardinians and the Native Americans. It opens with the sounds of gunshots and people shouting from a bison hunting party, recorded in Sardinia especially for the album but intended to represent a hunting scene by Native Americans. These sounds also reappear in other sections through the album. Also, the songs "Fiume Sand Creek", "Hotel Supramonte" and "Franziska" start with piano/keyboards introductions, musically unrelated to the songs themselves.
The musicians playing on the album were all hand-picked by Mark Harris, who also took care of the arrangements. The line-up features, among others, top Italian session men such as Gabriele "Lele" Melotti, Pier Michelatti, Aldo Banfi and Massimo Luca, as well as De Andrè's wife Dori Ghezzi and co-producer Oscar Prudente on backing vocals.