Face distortion

Face distortion derived from the term "distorting the face," refers to the condition of the human face when it comes into contact with an object moving at high enough speed to distort the face. This could result in anything from a concussion, to a broken jaw, to a fractured skull depending on the force of the object while it's moving to when it comes into contact with the face. Most face distortions are shown to be visible only in slow motion, as seen in popular showings of the event.

Uses in popular culture

Several movies, as well as some anime, involving boxing, martial arts, or other styles of fighting have scenes involving face distortion. Movies like "Cinderella man", which involves American boxing has a few of these moments. Anime's like Bleach and Naruto contain moments of face distortion as well.


The medical aspect of a face distortion is usually the case involving the skull, neck, or brain. whatever treatment for the aftermath of a face distortion depends on the condition of the receiver after the event occurs.