Faculties and departments of the University of Alberta
This article is a list of the faculties and departments of the University of Alberta.
Main Campus
- Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences
- * Department of Agricultural, Food and Nutritional Science
- * Devonian Botanic Garden
- * Department of Human Ecology
- * Department of Renewable Resources
- * Department of Rural Economy
- Faculty of Arts
- * Department of Anthropology
- * Department of Art and Design
- * Arts Resource Centre
- * CSL Community Service-Learning
- * Department of Drama
- * Department of East Asian Studies
- * Department of Economics
- * Department of English and Film Studies
- * Department of History and Classics
- * Office of Interdisciplinary Studies
- ** Comparative Literature Program
- ** Humanities Computing Program
- ** Middle Eastern and African Studies Program
- ** Peace and Post-Conflict Studies Program
- ** Religious Studies Program
- ** Science, Technology and Society Program
- * Department of Linguistics
- * Department of Modern Languages and Cultural Studies
- * Department of Music
- * Department of Philosophy
- * Department of Political Science
- * Department of Psychology
- * Department of Sociology
- * Women's Studies Program
- School of Business
- * Department of Accounting and Management Information Systems
- * Department of Finance and Management Science
- * Department of Marketing, Business Economics, and Law
- * Department of Strategic Management and Organization
- Faculty of Education
- * Department of Educational Policy Studies
- * Department of Educational Psychology
- * Department of Elementary Education
- * Department of Secondary Education
- * Division of Technology in Education
- * School of Library and Information Studies
- Faculty of Engineering
- * Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering
- * Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- ** School of Mining and Petroleum Engineering
- * Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- * Department of Mechanical Engineering
- * Engineering Co-op Program
- Faculty of Extension
- * Applied Sciences Programs
- * Business Programs
- * Adult and Continuing Education Programs
- * Communications and Technology Programs
- * English Language Programs
- * Government Studies Programs
- * Liberal Studies Programs
- * Medical Acupuncture Program
Graduate Studies
- Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research
- * Professional Development Programs
- * University Teaching Program
- * University of Alberta Outreach
- Faculty of Law
- Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry
- * Division of Anatomy
- * Department of Anaesthesiology and Pain Medicine
- * Department of Biochemistry
- * Department of Biomedical Engineering
- * Department of Cell Biology
- * Centre for Neuroscience
- * Division of Critical Care Medicine
- * Department of Dentistry
- * Department of Family Medicine
- * Health Ethics Centre
- * Department of Laboratory Medicine & Pathology
- * Department of Medical Genetics
- * Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology
- * Department of Medicine
- * Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
- * Department of Oncology
- * Department of Ophthalmology
- * Department of Paediatrics
- * Department of Pharmacology
- * Division of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
- * Department of Physiology
- * Department of Psychiatry
- * Department of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging
- * Department of Surgery
Native Studies
- Faculty of Native Studies
- Faculty of Nursing
- Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Faculty of Physical Education and Recreation
Public Health
- School of Public Health
- * Alberta Centre for Injury Control & Research
- * Centre for Health Promotion Studies
- * Department of Public Health Sciences
- Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine
- * Department of Occupational Therapy
- * Department of Physical Therapy
- * Rehabilitation Research Centre
- * Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology
- * Centre for Studies in Clinical Education
- * Institute for Stuttering Treatment and Research
- Faculty of Science
- * Department of Biological Sciences
- * Department of Chemistry
- * Department of Computing Science
- * Department of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences
- * Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
- * Department of Physics
- * Department of Psychology
Campus Saint-Jean
- Faculté Saint-Jean
Augustana Campus
- Augustana Faculty
- * Department of Fine Arts
- * Department of Humanities
- * Department of Physical Education
- * Department of Science
- * Department of Social Sciences
Affiliated colleges
- St. Joseph's College
- St. Stephen's College