
FairMormon, formerly known as the Foundation for Apologetic Information & Research, is a non-profit 501 organization that specializes in Mormon apologetics and responds to criticism of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. FairMormon comprises volunteers who seek to answer questions submitted to its web site. It was founded in November 1997 by a group of Mormons who wanted to defend their faith on AOL message boards. The members of FairMormon are international volunteers. FairMormon holds an annual conference where topics of current apologetic issues are presented. The organization also publishes a monthly electronic newsletter and a daily news-clipping service.
There is no official connection between FairMormon and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Name change

At the August 2013 annual conference it was announced that the organization would change its name from FAIR to FairMormon. The reasoning was explained by Steven, vice-president:
“We have changed our name and are updating our websites in order to make them more easily accessible. The name has been simplified. Instead of The Foundation for Apologetic Information and Research, it is now simply FairMormon. Hopefully this will be easier to remember and will allow us to spend more time doing apologetics rather than spending our time explaining what apologetics is. Our mission has not changed, but hopefully, with the name change and the changes with the websites, our organization will be more effective."


FairMormon is led by a president, who is elected by a board of directors, and assisted by a vice-president and secretary. The current president is Scott Gordon. Several editors provide submitted documents and articles with editorial review, and a bookstore is maintained to sell apologetic articles and scholarly books to the public. All of these positions are handled by volunteers. The only paid part-time position currently associated with FairMormon is the bookstore manager, which requires management.


Mormon Voices is a website run by FairMormon which seeks to defend representations of the LDS Church in the media.

Mormon FAIR-Cast

FairMormon also sponsors a podcast called the Mormon FAIR-Cast. In 2011 and 2013, it won an award for best podcast in the Religion Inspiration category of the People's Choice Podcast Awards.