Fairwater (Cardiff electoral ward)

Fairwater is the name of an electoral ward in the west of Cardiff, capital city of Wales. It covers Fairwater and Pentrebane on the outskirts of the urban area.
The Fairwater ward is bordered to the west by Creigiau & St Fagans, to the east by Llandaff and to the south by the Ely ward.


Fairwater has elected three councillors to Cardiff Council since 1995, being represented by the Labour Party until May 2008 when all three seats were taken by Plaid Cymru. Plaid lost a seat in May 2012 but regained it in 2017. Representatives have included Labour councillor Michael Michael, who was deputy leader of the Cardiff Council until 2008 and Plaid Cymru's Neil McEvoy, who was deputy leader of the council from 2008 to 2012. McEvoy had previously been a Labour Party councillor for the Riverside ward in the city and was also elected as a Plaid Cymru Assembly Member in the Wales Government in 2016.
Plaid Cymru and Labour both issue local campaigning newsletters containing allegations and counter-allegations against one another. These have included accusations that Cllr Michael Michael, a hairdresser, was profiting from a council leased building and allegations about Cllr McEvoy's expenses.
During the 2008 election campaign former MP Rod Richards, who lived in Fairwater, was arrested after assaulting a fellow Conservative Party campaigner.

County councillors

May 2017

* = sitting councillor prior to the election