Fairy Navigator Runa

Fairy Navigator Runa is a children's novel series by Miyoko Ikeda published by Iwasaki Shoten. It was later adapted into a manga series by Michiyo Kikuta published in Nakayoshi by Kodansha and licensed by Del Rey. Publication was taken over by Kodansha after the second volume of the manga was released by Del Rey.


;Runa Rindo
;Ms. Towako
; Sae


"Fairy Navigator Runa is a persuasive new series that puts an original and more mature twist to the magical girl genre." — Rachel Bentham, activeAnime.
"This is a very predictable girls’ fantasy, in which everyone is secretly magical and powerful." — Johanna Draper Carlson, Manga Worth Reading.
"As Fairy Navigator Runa begins, it quickly appears to be going down a bland and generic path." — Matthew Warner, Mania.
"Fairy Navigator Runa is an almost perfect example of the magical-girl genre that tweens love so well." — Brigid Alverson, Teenreads.