Fakhraddin Musayev

Fakhraddin Musa oghlu Musayev was the National Hero of Azerbaijan and warrior during the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

Early life and education

Fakhraddin Musayev was born on 30 July 1957 in Baýramaly, Turkmenistan. He went to secondary school from 1964 to 1974. He was drafted to the military service. Initially, he was sent to Czechoslovakia, and then completed his military service in the Orenburg Oblast. In 1979 he was admitted to the Civil Aviation School, where he graduated in 1982 with honors.

Personal life

Musayev was married and had one son.

Nagorno Karabakh War

After the establishment of the national army, he returned to Azerbaijan and participated in military operations in Karabakh. In March 1992 he started to work as a pilot-operator in Mi-24 military helicopter. Fakhraddin destroyed most of the Armenian forces and armored vehicles with relative rocket strikes. On 11 April 1992, Lieutenant Fakhradin was tragically killed when carrying out a missile attack in the territory of Fizuli region.


Fakhraddin Musayev was posthumously awarded the title of the "National Hero of Azerbaijan" by Presidential Decree No. 833 dated 7 June 1992. He was buried in the Martyrs' Lane in Baku.
He was buried at a Martyrs' Lane cemetery in Baku. One of the central streets in Qusar District of Azerbaijan was named after him.