Family Justice Courts of Singapore

Family Justice Courts of Singapore comprise the Youth Courts, Family Courts and High Courts.
The Youth Courts hear cases related to children and young persons. It was formerly the Juvenile Courts under the civil division State Courts of Singapore.
The Family Courts hear all family proceedings except cases under the Children and Young Persons Act, which are heard by the Youth Courts. It was formerly under the civil division of the State Courts of Singapore.
The Family Division of the High Court primarily hears appeals against the decisions of the Family Courts and the Youth Courts.


In 2013, the Committee for Family Justice was formed to review how Singapore’s family justice system may be reformed to address the needs of youth and families in distress. It recommended setting up the Family Justice Court.
The Family Justice Courts of Singapore are established pursuant to the Family Justice Act which was passed by the Singapore Parliament on 4 August 2014.


The FJC deals with cases involving the following legislations:
It handled a total of 27,228 cases in 2015.


Integrated Family Application Management System is an end-to-end paperless system that predominantly deals with family-related cases brought before FJC.