Fareej el-Makharqa

Fareej el-Makharqa or Al-Makharga is a neighborhood in the heart of Manama, the capital of Bahrain. It is adjacent to Fareej el-Hammam, Fareej el-Hatab, Fareej el-Fadhel, and Gudaibiya.


Its name derives from the ancient craft of piercing pearls and making jewelry.
Fareej el-Makharqa holds the most important meetings of the opposition parties. Therefore, meetings of the opposing movements from all over Bahrain were held in the influential Shiite mosque Masjid Mu'min and the Sunni mosque Jami'a Al-Mihza'.
Nowadays, it is a sacred district in the old city of Manama, in which religious gatherings are held, especially during the month of Muharram and in Ashura, the sacred day of Shia Islam in which Imam Hussain, the grandson of the prophet Muhammad, was killed by the Umayyad ruler Yazid ibn Muawiyah.


Some of the matams or hussainias in Al Makharga are: