
Farzan or Farzān is a Persian
First Name or Last Name, which means: Wise, Intelligent, Highly Knowledgeable, Astrologist".
Farzan is the male version of the name Farzaneh which is the female version or Farzana is other middle eastern countries.
SoulUrge Number: 3
People with this name have a deep inner desire to create and express themselves,
often in public speaking, acting, writing or singing. They also yearn to have beauty
around them in their home and work environment.
Expression Number: 4
People with this name tend to be orderly and dedicated to building their lives
on a solid foundation of order and service. They value truth, justice, and discipline,
and may be quick-tempered with those who do not. Their practical nature makes
them good at managing and saving money, and at building things in the material world.
Because of their focus on order and practicality, they may seem overly cautious and conservative at times.
The name may refer to: