Fatick Region

Fatick is the southwest region of the northern outcrop of Senegal. Its alternative name is Jinnak Bolon. The region is named for its capital city, Fatick.


The area is rich with Serer ancient and medieval history. Many of the ancient Serer sites are found within this region. It is also :Category:Serer holy places|one of the holy places in the Serer religion. The Xooy Ceremony, a divination festival by the Serer priestly class is held within this region once a year. The population is overrun by the Serer people. Historically, it was part of the Serer pre-colonial Kingdom of Sine. In 1859, the Battle of Logandème took place within this region. It was a battle of resistance by the Siin-Siin against French colonialism. It is called in some French scholarly works as the Battle of Fatick.


Fatick region is divided into 3 departments :