
Faza'il-e-A'maal, originally titled Tablighi Nisab, is a Sufi religious text composed for basically Tabligh Jamaat members, mainly of treatises by the Deobandi Indian hadith scholar Muhammad Zakariya Kandhlawi from Sufi sect on the merits of good deeds. The book is written in simple and lucid Urdu, based mostly on inspirational but historically suspect and non-authentic traditions and anecdotes. Tabligh Jamaat gives the most imprtance to the book in their daily chores, and they do and prescribe reading the book after daily Fajr and Asr prayer, usually in their daily gatherings. Tablig Jamat usually promote the book to their non-Arab communities, while to their Arabic-speaking communities, they suggest reading Riyad as-Salihin by Yahya Nawawi instead.
Some new Urdu editions also add Musalmanon ki Maujudah Pasti ka Wahid Ilaj by Maulana Ihtishamul Hasan Kandhlawi. English editions include writings such as Six Fundamentals, A Call to Muslims, and Muslim Degeneration and its Only Remedy. Some editions of Faza'il-e-A'mal do not append Zakariya's Faza'il-e-Durood .