February 20 (Eastern Orthodox liturgics)
- Eastern Orthodox liturgical calendar - February 21
All fixed commemorations below are observed on March 5 by Eastern Orthodox Churches on the Old Calendar.
For February 20th, Orthodox Churches on the Old Calendar commemorate the Saints listed on February 7.Saints
- Hieromartyr Eleutherius of Byzantium, Bishop in Byzantium
- Martyrs Didymos, Nemesios and Potamios, in Cyprus.
- Saint Eutropius, martyr
- Hieromartyr Sadoc of Persia, Bishop of Persia, and 128 Martyrs with him
- Saint Anianus.
- Venerable Bessarion the Great, Wonderworker of Egypt
- Saint Agatho of Rome, Pope of Rome
- Saint Leo of Catania, Bishop of Catania in Sicily
- Venerable Cindeus of Pisidia, Bishop of Pisidia.
- Venerable Plotinus, monk.
Pre-Schism Western saints
- Saint Bolcan, baptised by St Patrick, Bolcan later became Bishop of Derkan in Ireland
- Saint Valerius, first Bishop of Couserans in France
- Saint Falco of Maastricht, Bishop of Maastricht in the Netherlands
- Saint Eleutherius of Tournai, Bishop of Tournai
- Saint Mildrith, Anglo-Saxon abbess of the Abbey at Minster-in-Thanet, Kent
- Saint Eucherius of Orléans, Bishop of Orleans
- Saint Colgan, called 'the Wise' and 'the Chief Scribe of the Irish' , he was Abbot of Clonmacnoise in Offaly in Ireland
Post-Schism Orthodox saints
- Saint Yaroslav the Wise, great prince of Kiev, son of the Varangian Grand Prince Vladimir the Great
- Saint Agatho, Wonderworker of the Kiev Caves Monastery
- Martyrdom of St. Cornelius, abbot of the Pskov-Caves Monastery, by beheading, and his disciple St. Bassian of Murom
- Venerable Martyrs 34 monks and novices of Valaam Monastery, martyred by the Lutherans :
- New Hieromartyr Nicholas Rozov, Priest
Icon gallery