Federación de Scouts-Exploradores de España
The Federación de Scouts-Exploradores de España is a Spanish Scout association. It is one of the members of the Federación de Escultismo en España and thus of the World Organization of the Scout Movement. It serves 31,458 members.History
The Exploradores de España, of whom ASDE claims to be heir, was founded in 1912 by Teodoro Iradier y Herrero and Arturo Cuyás under the name Exploradores de España - Boy-scouts españoles. It was among the founding members of the Boy Scouts' International Conference in 1920.
In 1940, after the Spanish Civil War the Exploradores de España were suspended by Franco's regime, but afterwards could continue their activities as Asociación Nacional de Exploradores de España with a semi-tolerated status.
The organization was fully legalized in 1977 under the name Asociación de Scouts de España during the reforms after Franco's death. In 1978, it formed the Federación de Escultismo en España with the Movimiento Scout Católico and the Federació Catalana d'Escoltisme i Guiatge and was readmitted to the World Organization of the Scout Movement the same year.Program
Program sections
The ASDE is divided in five sections according to age:
- Castores/Castors —ages 6 to 8
- Lobatos/Llobatons —ages 11 to 14
- Escultas/Pioneros/Pioners —ages 14 to 16
- Rovers/Rutas —ages 16 to 21
Scout Motto
Siempre Listo, Always ReadyScout Oath
Por mi honor prometo hacer cuanto de mi dependa para:
- Cumplir mis deberes para con Dios y la Patria,
- Ayudar al projimo en toda circunstancia y
- Cumplir fielmente la Ley Scout.
On my honor, I promise that I will do my best:
A Scout's honor is to be trusted
- El Scout es leal para con su Patria, padres, jefes y subordinados
A Scout is loyal to his country, his parents, his leaders and those under him
- El Scout es util y ayuda a los demas sin pensar en recompensa
A Scout's duty is to be useful and to help others without benefit
- El Scout es amigo de todos y hermano de todo Scout
A Scout is a friend to all and a brother to every other Scout
- El Scout es cortes y caballeroso
A Scout is courteous and a gentlemen
- El Scout ve en la Naturaleza la obra de Dios. Protégé animales y plantas
A Scout sees the work of God in nature. He loves animals and plants
- El Scout obedece sin replicar, nada hace a medias
A Scout obeys orders without question and leaves nothing half done
- El Scout sonrie y silba ante sus dificultades
A Scout smiles and sings under all difficulties
- El Scout es ahorrador y cuidadoso del bien ajeno
A Scout is thrifty and respects other people's property
- El Scout es limpio y sano en pensamientos, palabras y acciones
A Scout is clean in thought, word and deedRegional organizations
The ASDE is a federation of independent regional organizations, organized according to the autonomous communities of Spain. Its members are:
- Andalucía:
- Aragón:
- Principado De Asturias:
- Islas Baleares: Scouts de Baleares
- Islas Canarias:
- Cantabria:
- Castilla La Mancha:
- Castilla y León:
- Catalunya:
- Ceuta: Scouts de Ceuta
- Extremadura:
- Galicia:
- La Rioja: Scouts de La Rioja
- Madrid:
- Melilla: Scouts de Melilla
- Región de Murcia:
- Comunitat Valenciana:
The organization has no groups in the Basque Country and in Navarre.