Federal Center for Technological Education of Rio de Janeiro

The Federal Center for Technological Education "Celso Suckow da Fonseca", also known as Federal Center for Technological Education of Rio de Janeiro is one of the most traditional Brazilian federal educational institution subordinated to the Brazilian Ministry of Education. It offers undergraduate and post-graduate level courses in addition to its sought-after technical high school courses.
The school's education is focused in the engineering fields of mechanics, information technology, electronics, telecommunication, metallurgy, petrochemical and electrical.
Its multicampus headquarters is in Maracanã with an additional campus in the Rio de Janeiro suburb of Maria da Graça, and several other campus in different cities of the state of Rio de Janeiro.

The history of CEFET/RJ

In Brazil, the Federal Centers of Technical Education reflect an evolution of a kind of educational institution that in the 20th century helped to industrialize the country. The history of these centers is connected to the origin of professional education in Brazil going back to 1909 when President Nilo Peçanha mandated the creation of the apprenticeship Schools in every Brazilian state capital vis-à-vis providing free elementary and professional education.
The institution we know as CEFET/RJ started in 1917 as the Escola Normal de Artes e Ofícios Wenceslau Brás. In 1919 the school moved under the jurisdiction of the Federal Government. After the reformulation of the Ministry of Education in 1937 it became part of the network of professionalizing schools maintained by the Federal Government.
The school was also known as:

Escola Tecnica Nacional, Escola Tecnica Federal da Guanabara

Escola Tecnica Federal Celso Suckow da Fonseca

Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica Celso Suckow da Fonseca


Technical Courses

Undergraduate Courses

Post-Graduation Courses

There are 15 post-graduation courses, being 7 lato sensu and 8 stricto sensu.


The CEFET/RJ have 8 campi in 7 different cities in the Rio de Janeiro State.