Federal University of Pampa

The Federal University of Pampa is a public university established in 2006 in the Southern region of the state of Rio Grande do Sul.
Unipampa was created by Law 11640 of January 11, 2008 as the Federal University of Pampa, with headquarters in the city of Bagé, in Rio Grande do Sul.
Unipampa has campuses in Alegrete, Bagé, Caçapava do Sul, Dom Pedrito, Itaqui, Jaguarão, Santana do Livramento, São Borja, São Gabriel and Uruguaiana.
The first exams for the Vestibular Unipampa occurred on December 17 and June 18, 2006. The first class was in September 2006. Entering Unipampa from 2010 was through ENEM SISU.
The first academic master's Unipampa was the Graduate Program in Electrical Engineering in the Alegrete campus recommended by CAPES in 2009 and activities started in August 2010.


campus performs paleontological research, in the Geopark of Paleorrota. The research has been made between the São Gabriel city to the Bagé city and belong to the Permian period.

Campus website

Alegrete Campus
Bagé Campus
Caçapava do Sul Campus
Dom Pedrito Campus
Itaqui Campus
Jaguarão Campus
Santana do Livramento Campus
São Borja Campus
São Gabriel Campus
Uruguaiana Campus